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  • Michelle Luca

Landgate Kick Goals With PhD Students

Landgate participated in iPREP Biodesign Round 2 2021.

Landgate collects and maintains high volumes of location, valuation, and land titles data for the whole of Western Australia. Managing and maximising the value of data is central to their strategic objective of meeting the evolving needs of the customer and to support enhanced collaboration with industry, government, and the community. The challenge was to complete a current state assessment of Landgate's data landscape on the four parameters of technology, process, policy, and data.

The students worked with Landgate's Data and Analytics Team, who is lead the project. The project entailed working with different parts of Landgate to interrogate, evaluate and assess different data sources. These datasets ranged from spatial data sets, structured and unstructured data sets, and data sets stored in non-digital format. It involved carrying out a detailed assessment of Landgate’s data landscape to further develop and enhance the data strategy.

This great team consisted of Belinda House (Curtin), Ifechukwu Michaels (Curtin) and Partha Mandal (Curtin). Check out the great outcomes achieved by these students over the 7 weeks!

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